Shamanic Medicine Wheel Training
A Journey of Transformation
The medicine wheel is the basis for the healing journey of many primary cultures around the world. The Q’ero and Inka refer to the medicine wheel in terms of the four winds...South, West, East, and North. During this inner healing journey, you will remember your true nature, awakening to who you really are and your true destiny. You will attend a three day class, once every four months. Classes are small so that you can receive personal attention & support and bond with your classmates. You will be doing healing work on each other in the months between and I will support you with a monthly coaching call.
Throughout the year you will learn ancient wisdom and healing methods, how to release heavy energies in the body and aura, self-limiting beliefs and old negative patterns that no longer serve you. With each direction of the medicine wheel, you will feel your energy and reality shifting and you begin to feel lighter, more alive and empowered! At the end of the fourth class, you will be certified as a Shamanic Practitioner.
The South
Direction of the Serpent
Shedding the past that no longer serves us
Coming out of the story of our wounds
Understanding how we create our reality, and how to change it
Walking in beauty, with no judgment, attachment, or need for suffering
Clearing the chakras, Illumination & Mythic Mapping
Working with your Spirt guides and Animal Medicine
The four foundation rites of the Munay-Ki - (The Bands of Power, the Harmony rite, the Healer's rite & the Seer's rite
The West
Direction of the Jaguar
Clearing Crystalized Energies
Clearing Heavy Energy from Homes & Businesses
Releasing fear and holding only joy & peace
Becoming a luminous being with no need for enemies
Discovering the gifts from your ancestors
Living in integrity with self, others, and the universe
The Day Keeper’s rite
The North
Direction of the Hummingbird
Connection with ancient wisdom
Healing at the soul level
Soul retrieval
Mastery of creation
Clearing karmic contracts
Learning the mastery of creation
Living in the present and the stillness
The Wisdom Keepers rite
The East
Direction of the Eagle
Fulfilling our souls destiny/future
Healing Souls that have already crossed over
Dreaming our world into being
Spirit Flight
The Death Rites
The Earth keeper’s and Star keeper’s rites
New Class Open for Enrollment...
South Class - January 28 - 30, 2022
West Class - May 13 -15, 2022
North Class - September 16 - 18, 2022
East Class -January 27 - 29, 2023
South Class - February 10 -12, 2022
West Class - June 3-5, 2022
North Class - October 14-16, 2022
East Class - February 10 -12, 2023
Class Fees & Terms
Class fee is $2000 for the year, $500 per 3 day class, or $167 monthly in 12 payments. Also includes a monthly one-on-one call between classes
Payment and registration can be made online. If you want to pay with cash or check, contact Sheri at 513-407-9922
You can purchase classes online, PayPal or Venmo.
Contact Sheri with any questions at 513-407-9922 or